L’Idem Barcelona takes part in B’Ars VFX 2023

Animation, News

L’Idem Barcelona participates again this year in an edition of B’Ars: Barcelona International Arts & VFX Fair, the largest professional meeting of reference for the VFX industry in Spain. Since 2014, this international fair has become a meeting point for professionals, students and fans of visual effects, animation, video games and virtual reality. It will be held from December 11 to 15 in online format and with an in-person event on December 14 at the Mediapro Auditorium.

The event will feature workshops, conferences and a Job Fair session with professionals from the VFX and Animation sector. Some companies will be present such as Gameloft, Lamppost, Passion Pictures, Lightbox, Sauvage,Mediapro Group or Orca Studios.

This year, L’Idem Barcelona participates with the following activities:

Mesa Redonda: Qué la inspiración de pille estudiando

  • Fecha: 14 de noviembre de 12 a 13.30h.
  • Docente: Óscar Gamell, Delegado de L’Idem Barcelona
  • Idioma: castellano
  • Formato: Presencial

Representatives from four Catalan universities and educational centers will present the training offers of their centers and answer your questions about your academic future. L’Idem Barcelona will participate in this round table together with the universities ENTI, Noves Tecnologies Interactives school; LCI Barcelona and La Salle-Universitat Ramón LLull.

The Managing Director of L’Idem Barcelona, Óscar Gamell, will present the educational program in the specialization at 2D/3D Animation and Videogames, as well as the Master’s degrees specializing in this area: Master in 2D/3D Animation< /strong>, Master in Japanese Animation and Master in specialization in Game Art.

Workshop: Applied Topology and Advanced Rigging

  • Date: November 13 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Teacher: Esteve Garriga
  • Language: Spanish
  • Format: online
  • Advanced level

In this masterclass we will talk about the topology of props and characters. How to get an animation prop of eighty thousand polygons to have just two thousand, taking into account this working system, the prop, can be ready for both game as animation. We will talk about examples of character topologies and why they follow a certain flow, also about reductions and how these can help emphasize deformations, as well as rigging systems. to maintain performance efficiency within Maya.

What is B’Ars VFX?

La Barcelona International Arts & VFX Fair or B’Ars is the annual international fair specialized in visual effects and filmmaking. Since 2014, it has brought together the greatest experts in these sectors in Barcelona with the aim of bringing together the creative talent of the sector in a fun and informal environment. It is focused on the general public as well as students and professionals.