‘Sam’s Birthday’ in the Terror Kids section of the TerrorMolins Festival

Animation, News

The short film ‘Sam’s Birthday’, made by the students of the 2022-23 class, has been selected this year, for the first time, to participate in the42nd edition of TerrorMolins, the horror film festival that takes place from November 3 to 12 in Molins de Rei.

The short film will be included in the Terror Kids section, a special program dedicated to children and family audiences that aims to promote the seventh art among the youngest, enhance creativity and promote social cohesion.

TerrorMolins, fiftieth anniversary of the first marathon

This year’s edition celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the first horror film marathon held in the city. The event will take place at the La Peni theater and will feature a 16-hour program of cinema, exhibitions and talks on witchcraft.

During the days of the festival there are around 56 feature films and 70 shorts of different nationalities programmed. In addition, there will be talks and round tables, activities and workshops on this year’s theme: the legends of witches, their stereotypes and book presentations.

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