Montse Sanz: “The Matte Painting technique is present in all audiovisual formats”.


Montse Sanz is a concept artist with extensive experience in the animation sector. For 10 years she has specialized in the design of backgrounds and props for audiovisual projects. And during the month of June she has given a monographic training on Matte Painting to the 2nd year Animation students at L’Idem. We took the opportunity to talk to her about this technique, which is used in countless audiovisual productions to represent backgrounds for scenes that can be difficult to find or film.


Matte Painting Project by Carla Viaplana, 2nd year Animation student

What is this technique?

It is a digital illustration technique that is currently used in all audiovisual formats. By integrating or superimposing real or created images, it makes it possible to generate realistic scenarios.

What is its origin?

Matte Painting originated in the 19th century with the aim of integrating decorative elements into a filmed film, using glass plates painted black. In 1907, film director Norman O. Dawn used this technique to visually and manually reconstruct a set of buildings for the film ‘Missions of California’. Later films such as ‘King Kong‘ (1933) and ‘Citizen Kane‘ (1966) also used Matte Painting to create backgrounds for castles, barracks or islands. During the 1960s, the technique underwent a surprising evolution with films such as ‘Mary Poppins‘ (1964) and ‘Planet of the Apes’ (1968).

And how does it work nowadays?

On the one hand, the technique has been evolving on a technical level. Traditional, manual tools have given way to digital ones. Nowadays, the main software used to carry out a Matte painting project are Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects, and on the other hand, it has reached wider sectors of activity within the entertainment industry and visual communication. Today, the Matte Painting technique is present in all audiovisual formats for film, video games and advertising, among other sectors.


Matte Painting project by Sabela Cadarso, student of 2nd year Animation.

What are the steps to follow to create a Matte Painting project?

First of all, have a clear idea of what you want to do: place the image in a specific place and time.

Secondly, the documentation phase begins. This consists of looking for images, photographs, textures and other resources to work from. At this point, it is important that all the references have a uniform illumination.

Thirdly, a sketch is made that will serve as a guide during the project. And from there, play with perspective, drawing, filters, effects, lights and shadows. And finally, retouch and finish the work with textured brushes.