For the sixth year, the final year Animation students at L’Idem and those of the Master’s Degree in Soundtracks at ESMUC will work together on a new creative project. During this academic year, they will combine their talents to build audiovisual pieces with a good interaction between image and music. On the one hand, the students of our school will create two short animation films, one in 2D and the other in 3D. Reproducing the atmosphere of a real animation studio, they will work as a team and put into practice the knowledge, techniques and skills acquired throughout their training. On the other hand, ESMUC students will compose a unique soundtrack for each short film. The result of this collaboration will be two newly created animation short films.
First contact
This week our 4th year Animation students have coordinated the first working meeting with ESMUC students. In a meeting at our Barcelona campus, our students have presented in depth the details of the two final year projects. After explaining the script of each proposal, they showed in detail the storyboards, animatic, graphic bibles, character design and scenarios of their projects. From here, the ESMUC students will begin to compose the soundtrack for each short film. Throughout the process, students from both schools will work in teams and remotely to create two new audiovisual and sound pieces that will become their final projects at L’Idem and ESMUC.
According to 脪scar Gamell, Delegate Director of L’Idem Barcelona, the meeting with ESMUC has been very positive. Participants from both schools have made very valuable contributions about the specific needs of the shared project. This information will undoubtedly help them to work effectively. Students from both schools have been very motivated by this initiative.
Results of the collaborations with ESMUC
We share with you the short films from previous courses where L’Idem Barcelona collaborated with ESMUC: