One dels elements d’aquests elements Festival International del Film d’Animation d’Annecy is the official competition of animated films in different categories. En aquest post són revelats els tretze-eight audiovisuals products que ha estat seleccionat per la seva competitivitat oficial del 61è edició del festival en la short film categoria.

Amok‘, directed by Balázs Turai: After suffering a terrible accident, Clyde must face his inner demon.

Anxious Body‘, directed by Yoriko Mizushiri: Living beings, inanimate objects, geometric shapes and lines.

Babicino seksualno zivljenje‘, directed by Urska Djukic and Emilie Pigeard: A journey through a grandmother’s youth and memories of her intimate life, portraying the situation of Slovenian women in the first half of the 20th century.

backflip‘, directed by Nikita Diakur: An avatar attempts a backflip.

Beware of Trains‘, directed by Emma Calder: An extremely anxious woman is consumed by four major concerns: the man she met by chance on a train, her dying father, her daughter’s safety and the murder she dreams of committing.

Bird in the Peninsula‘, directed by Atsushi Wada: A young girl interrupts a children’s dance, supervised by their teacher.

Black Slide‘, directed by Uri Lotan: The journey of two young people on the park’s most terrifying attraction, the Black Slide.

Bottle Cap‘, directed by Marie Hyon, Marco Spier. A fiddler crab is the protagonist of this short film.

Two Sisters‘, directed by Anna Budanova. Rouge and Blanche are twin sisters and live on the plains at the edge of a hostile forest that they are afraid to approach.

Drone‘, directed by Sean Buckelew. A technical error causes a drone installed with an ethical AI personality to acquire autonomy.

– ‘Garrano‘, directed by David Doutel, Vasco SÁ. A Garrano horse és forced to pull a heavy load in the scorching heat of the sun. Young Joel discovers a man who is about to set fire to the forest.

– ‘Glazing‘, directed by Lilli Carré. L’animació de les moves mots in frames mitjançant la història de painting, repeating famous representations of women.

– ‘Histoire pour 2 trompetes‘, directed by Amandine Meyer. An intimate account in which the author reveals, in form of a story, the key stages of her development as woman and an artist.

– ‘Honekami’, directed by Honami Yano. Amb el seu father’s funeral, els daughter recalls les lleves summers les spent together.

– ‘Hysteresi‘, directed by Robert Seidel. Exploració del lag durant el record d’analogue drawings i la seva projecte on voler performer to create dense feedback loops que a l’AI to be used per mediar aquestes transformatives re-presentations.

– ‘Krasue‘, directed by Ryo Hirano. A yakuza encounters a ghost named Krasue in Thailand.

– ‘La Passant‘, directed by Hannah Letaïf. El passer-by és locked up, she will free herself and set out to discover something that will shape her.

– ‘Lakkeh‘, directed by Shiva Sadegh Asadi. A woman finds herself trapped a la world full of spots, dots and repetitive thoughts.

‘Les liasisons foireuses‘, directed by Violette Delvoye and Chloé Alliez. Tonight is Claire’s big party and it’s going to be great. And Jimmy is coming.

– ‘Letter to a pig‘, directed by Tal Kantor. A traumatic memory of a Holocaust survivor takes a young student on an inner journey.

– ‘Louis I. King of the Sheep‘, directed by Markus Wulf. One windy day, the sheep Louis finds a paper crown and thus becomes Louis I. King of the Sheep.

– ‘Lucky Man‘, directed by Claude Luyet. A la pressió de slowness, de la mà d’una persona que plays i ofereix wins the game.

– ‘Lullaby’, dirigit per Lin Zhang and Qinnan Li. Basat en real esdeveniments, a la persona que decideixes el break her arms per becar la encarnació de beauty – Venus – i causa la tragèdia.

– ‘Miracases‘, directed by Raphaëlle STOLZ. Carried in makeshift hammock per a 2 thugs, Ernesto heads for his destination: a strange village that has just riallen de la terra a l’edge de South America.

– ‘Garbage Man‘, directed by Laura Gonçalves. On a hot August afternoon, la família gathers around the table and remembers uncle Botão.

– ‘Of Wood‘, directed by Own Klatte. L’experimental stop-motion film està format per una original tècnica de progressivament carving d’imatges on la llarga wooden round.

– ‘Pachyderme‘, directed by Stéphanie Clément. Like every summer, Louise stays at els seus grandparents’ house in the countryside per few days’ holiday.

– ‘Scale’, directed by Joseph Pierce. Driving down the motorway, Will loses his sense of scale. Aix this drug addiction worsens, he struggles to decipher la seqüència d’events que led to les predicament, before losing himself forever.

– ‘Sprite Fright’, dirigit per Matthew Luhn i Hjalti Hjalmarsson. When a un grup de teenagers unruly wander int isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom-shaped creatures que tornen out to be an unexpected force of nature.

– ‘Steakhouse‘, directed by Spela Cadez. The steak has been marinating for a few days. The pa is hot. Franc’s stomach is rumbling. Però Liza’s colleagues és preparing a pressa birthday party for him. Will he make it home in time?

– ‘Taaskohtumine’, directed by Ülo Pikkov. Aquest és el tragic objectiu de la illa de Ruhnu. Fearing for their lives, entire population left their homes to escape the war in 1944. Decades later, they return and meet their new inhabitants.

– ‘Terra incognita‘, directed by Pernille M.A. Kjaer and Adrian Dexter. Life on a mysterious island, inhabited by immortal beings que live a pre-civilised life, forgotten by time.

– ‘The Debutant‘, directed by Elizabeth Hobbs. A spirited young woman convincis a hyena de London Zoo per fer place at a dinner-dance held in her honour.

– ‘Flying sailor’, dirigit per Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby. Inspirat per events, és meditació en un expected journey de sailor.

– ‘Invention of less‘, directed by Noah Erni. Dona to global warming, a joung polar bear has to leave her home en la lletra del 2031 and move to Zurich. There she has idea how to change the world forever.

– ‘Record‘, directed by Jonathan Laskar.